My fitness journey started off towards the end of 2011. I was in the 3rd trimester of my 2nd pregnancy and I couldn't see or reach my feet to put on my shoes, nevermind going for a walk or getting to the gym. I realised that I needed to take drastic steps, 'cause getting rid of 33kg is no small joke. After trying out a few different exercise groups I was introduced to The TrainStation. It doesn't matter what your age, size or fitness level is, you train according to your pace and strength. I love the vibe, camaraderie, friendships and coffee.
The trainers are top class, always cheering us on and coming up with new ideas. In all this time I have never done two of the same classes. I will be forever thankful to Franco for all his advice about diet/nutrition, for always correcting my bad form and helping me to push myself to levels that I never thought possible in my 40 odd years. As a result, I even managed to tick off an item from my bucket list: competing in a fitness competition. Now you may think "...but that transformation happened over a period of nearly 5 years?" And that's exactly the message I'd like to get across: It takes a long time … there's no quick fix, no wonder pill, only hard work and dedication EVERY DAY! Forget the excuses. We are all busy, juggling kids, work and home life. Make the time! It's the best investment that you'll ever make!